Research Infrastructures

The ITS Research Infrastructure, pertaining to the Pole and addressed and managed by SIIT is part of the Multidomain Research Infrastructure, set up in collaboration with the University of Genoa – Savona Pole, benefiting from ERDF funding – action 1.5.1 – “Support to research infrastructures considered critical / crucial for regional systems “.
I.R. ITS is joined by about fifteen entities, mostly SMEs in the regional territory, in addition to the University of Genoa and SIIT itself.
ITS addresses three macro-areas of interest, within which members express significant know-how and develop projects of great interest:
- Sustainable mobility: Mobility as a Service solutions, infomobility, pricing, fleet management, traffic control, intermodality, transport systems planning
- Logistics and ports: information, management and documentary systems, management of logistics warehouses and distribution centers, specific solutions for ports and interports, access control, “last mile” urban distribution;
- Transport safety: video surveillance and image processing, automatic vehicle and license plate reading, dangerous goods management, physical security on sites and infrastructures, logical security